Our mind is so powerful and yet so little control we had of it, that most of our unfounded fears and stress originate from it. If you doubt this, the next time when you feel stressed about something, just slow your thoughts down and gently inspect the trail of your thoughts. You would find that it was often holding on to something in the past, which you can totally do nothing of, or it is worrying about some events in the future, which may or may not happen.
The Anxious Mind
Stressful feelings can manifest in the form of anxiety, worries, fear, and doubts which can always paralyze our mind to the point of depression, in serious cases. It often starts with a problem and then over-thinking which precedes other negative thoughts.
These thoughts, when inspected closely, are tricks that our mind are playing. Often we are not aware of the gradual slide in the state of our mind to a negative slump of emotions. And when it’s finally down in the drain, we feel a heavy mind, filled with doubts and worries, that basically kills off all our hopes and dreams that seem so possible before.
It is very important, to bring us out of this mental slump as soon as we can. One negative thought will lead to another. From slight anxiety, you soon become worried and depressed before you know it.
The mind is always in a state of change. If you believe in the Law of Attraction, the energy that you have will attract similar energy. Ever wonder why one mishap happens after another? That’s because you are allowing yourself to be in this negative state where Murphy’s Law thrives.
Calming of the Mind
Even the most positive of us do suffer from a spell of negative thoughts and emotions from time to time. The trick is how to stop the slide and bring back calmness to our mind. Here are 3 ways that work.
1. Listing down solutions
One way that could ease our mind is to think of the solutions and worst case that could happen. We also list down contingency plans. While this method works some of the time, it does not address the root cause, it is just scraping the surface.
2. Positive Affirmation
Another way to break the pattern of negative thoughts is to recite positive affirmations. This would force a change to the state of the mind and could be quite effective if repeated over time.
3. Meditation
I would personally recommend meditation as the best solution in calming the mind. Through meditation, not only we achieve the goal of calming of our mind but also provide a deeper understanding as to how our mind works.
Seek Peace Within
How To Calm Your Mind From Stress
The practice of meditation is often done with the guidance of an experienced guru. However, in most cities, we are either too busy with our lifestyle or meditation gurus are not easily available. In the absence of meditation gurus, I would say a guided form of meditation through audio will be the best thing.
I’ve tried traditional meditation method and I’ve also tried an energy healing session with a guided audio session. Right now I’m looking into Clear-Mind™ meditation, which combined guided meditation, energy clearing and enhanced with Unichord™ a scientifically proven technology that generates frequencies which stimulate your energy system.
They actually have a short demo of Clear-Mind™ in audio which I have personally experienced. It does calm down the mind and slows down the restless stray thoughts in less than 5 minutes. I’ve written a dedicated review here of Clear-Mind™ for a clearer picture of how it helps to calm my mind.
Have you tried Clear-Mind™? Please share your experience with me.
I think in today’s society, this is something that everybody can benefit from. It seems that everyone is so busy and stressed out all of the time, including myself. Meditation has definitely helped, but like with everything else it is just hard to find time. I want to have a hot tub in my house when I am older so that I can relax in that every day. Maybe that will help me out some.
Good luck!
Hi Lucas,
If you can spend 10 minutes of your day, then you can meditate. I would suggest to go for those guided meditation on audio by trusted gurus if you are new to meditation. Those works well for busy city-dwellers like me.
hello there,
great site and very informative. I really enjoyed reading your post .
Anxiety is the illness of the 21 century 🙁 and from my opinion the reason for many health problems.
You are totally right , is very important to have our mind healthy and our body will be healthy too 🙂
thanks for sharing
Hi Cristina,
In my opinion, the state of the mind determines the physical health and vice versa. Let’s invest more on the well being of our mind and body, shall we?
Hello there Kenny, this is a really helpful article especially to people who have tons of problems these days.
I’m also a strong advocate of the power of our mind as I’m also doing a website that is focused with people’s mindset.
Our mind is the most powerful computer we could ever see. It has the power to change someone in an instant like myself.
But like what Uncle Bob told Spider Man “Great power comes great responsibility”. In exchange to the great power that God has given to our mind, we got to have total responsibility with it.
The power of our mind can make us or break us.
Hi Norstad,
You are definitely right on our mind being the most powerful computer. But the sad thing is only a very tiny faction of it is being harnessed, and not all the power is used to the good of thing.
I would be happy if you would send me a link to your website. I would love to read what you have on yours.
Hey Kenny,
My girlfriend has really bad anxiety sometimes, that can last days. I know it’s hard for her, and while I try my best to make things a little easier, I always feel it’s not enough.
I’ll show her this post tonight as I believe she will find this really helpful. There’s some great advice here – Thanks for sharing.
Hi Davby,
Yes, each of us respond to problems in a different way. Some of us have higher tolerance, while some does not. Nevertheless, it does us no harm to condition our mind to be able to handle stress well. All the best to you.
Haha, I definitely needed to read this article. As someone who stresses out a lot in life, I think some of the advice here will definitely help me with the everyday worries that come my way. Positive affirmations is something that I’ll have to try out. I currently do the ‘listing down solutions’ method just to give me some relief haha. Thanks for the article, greatly needed 🙂
Positive affirmation to do work. But it’s kind of relying on an external tools to take of the stress. It still does not address the root cause directly. Maybe you could try some meditation. All the best!!
I have never tried the clear mind method, but i have been thinking about trying meditation for a long time. I am a victim of depressing thoughts and meditation is said to help me clear my mind from thoughts. Do you think this could help me be a happier person?
Happiness is within us. It is just sometimes as we grow with age, we forgot the way to feel happy. Happiness does not rely on someone else but ourself. Meditation and energy healing is one way for us to rediscover happiness which is within us. It takes practice. It is a skill.
I would suggest you click the Clear-Mind link at the bottom of my post. They have a demo for you to tried out. It’s less than 5 minutes. If you can feel some difference, then it’s up to you to subscribe to them.
Their subscription has a trial period where you can ask for refund if it doesn’t work for you. Do let me know.
My personal experience is that meditation and energy healing does in fact make a big difference to me. It doesn’t remove the problem, but it enable me to handle the problem without negative emotion. And as a result, I am able to make decision more objectively.
Of course, being more at peace is also a result.
All the best.
Thanks for the read!
I do not personally suffer from stress, depression, and anxiety very much but I do know some people that do. The way they let there minds take them to the darkest of places is a really scary thing to watch.
I will be sure to pass along these tips to hopefully give them some sort of relief from all of this.
Hi Derek,
Living in the pit of darkness is no fun, as there are no light shining through. Thank you for sharing this with your friends.
This is just what I needed! All moms need to read this for sure! I often have very stressful days and feel I’m in a losing battle against my stress. I really enjoyed reading your tips for calming your mind from stress. They are simple yet effective steps for me to do daily and reduce my stress. Can’t wait to give it a try!
Parenting is not an easy task. I’ve great respect for all the moms out there. I hope it could help with some of your stress.
Kenny, let me know how ‘Clear Mind’ works for you! Its funny that I have been researching on meditation methods and happen to read your article today. I really need something to clear my mind from work even for a few minute and regroup myself everyday. For the last couple weeks, I have been bombarded with many things for work and I reached the point that I am not sure if I’m making the right decisions. I think meditation will really help me. Thanks for the great article!
I will be having a review section soon and ‘Clear Mind’ will be one of the meditation program I will be reviewing. Sometimes we need to slow down our speed so we can look at things clearly. All the best to you.
Hey! I really enjoy reading your content keep up the good work! I was wondering what you think the best position for meditation is. I always meditate lying down but I’ve heard other people say that you have to do it sitting down so you don’t fall asleep? Is this true, Will i be able to reach deeper levels of consciousness If I do it in a sitting position
Hi Jose,
I would suggest walking and sitting meditation for beginners just because the fact that lying down is so easy to fall asleep.
The trick in reaching into deeper consciousness or making any progress in meditation is to NOT think about it during meditation. I know it sounds ironic but having any expectation is going to keep you from making progress.
Instead, go into each session with an open mind and enjoy the experience itself. Hope this helps.
I think meditation is the big one in this list, Kenny. It’s something I struggle to do. I find it hard to get into the zone, but at least trying to meditate still goes a long way towards calming the mind. Positive affirmations certainly work, too.
Thanks for writing this. It was actually something I needed to read after suffering quite a bit of stress lately.
Hi Darren, you can try guided meditation, these are normally easier than trying to do it yourself. That’s based on my experience.
The world we live in nowadays is a constant battle for our attention, and theres just too much! Blogs like yours are a great reminder to smell the flowers and take some time out from technology and life for a while. I always forget how good meditation feels until after I’ve done it, and its always the best feeling. Thanks for your insight, its a great reminder to chill out.
Hi Jay,
I’m glad you find meditation helpful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.