Hi there,

Welcome to MindfulnessDojo.com. I’m Kenny, the owner of this website. I picked up meditation when I was 17, and found that it has been a great help in dealing with life challenges.

You’ll find that this site is resourceful if you’re trying to strengthen your mind by various methods. I initially started this website to help people with social anxiety, but I realized that the development of your mind goes beyond that.

My Story

There was once where I wouldn’t even think of sharing my thoughts on social media like Facebook. And would shiver at the thought of talking to strangers. Making sales calls is strictly a no-no.

That was social anxiety in action.

The symptoms got worse in my job as I spent almost all the time designing on a PC. There was little human interaction. At its worst, I quitted my day job to start my own business and I have to face my low self-esteem head-on.

I didn’t realize I was struggling with social anxiety until in my early 30s. That’s when I took proactive action to overcome it, one step at a time. I was into mindfulness meditation, as I did pick it up when I was a teen. Coupled with hypnosis and energy healing, I’ve got rid of many subconscious limiting beliefs that have been blocking my progress.

Now, in my late 30s, I have no problem conversing with people, although I still hate small talks. That’s how I realize that I’m also an introvert.

Social anxiety aside, I’m always fascinated with mind conditioning. It’s an important aspect that allows us to face life challenges, which apparently, only get tougher. I’m a single parent, who’s juggling job, parenting, and ensuring there’s food on the table.

Things can be very stressful at times.

This is why, mindfulness, meditation, and other mind hacking techniques played important roles in my life.

Why I Want To Help You

Life can be a rollercoaster ride. You can expect it to be exciting, but never hope for life to be easy.

Instead, you’ll want to get stronger.

But I’ve been making good progress and learn that sharing is the best way to grow.

If there’s any program that alters my subconscious limitations, it could change yours too.

Or a single mindfulness app that’s helping me to stay grounded, it may help you too.

Here’s the thing.

I’m no meditation master, guru or a professional therapist. I’m just someone who has gone through the toughest time, stood up, and stood up again.

With that said, I was blessed to have picked up mindfulness meditation during my teen. It has proven to be useful in tough times. If you can be unshaken by your thoughts, you’ll stop struggling with life.

If you have any questions or would like to contact me, drop me an email. I’ll be happy to answer your queries.

I’m also a contributor at The Mighty, an online publication that relates to mental health. Feel free to check out my articles related to social anxiety on The Mighty.