As we grew older, we sometimes forget what it’s like to be happy, or how to be happy. The days as a carefree child seems distance as if the adult us and the childhood version of us are two separate entity. Instead of seeking elsewhere for happiness, pause and learn to be happy instead.

The book 365 Days of Happiness resonates closely with what I believe about happiness. If you believe that there needs to be a reason to be happy, then you’ll find that the joy that your experience is shortlived. Instead, think of happiness is a skill, and the reasons to be happy is within us. This is what this book is all about.

365 Days Of Happiness Review

Book Title: 365 Days Of Happiness
Author: Jacqueline Pirtle
Price: $24.99 (Paperback)
Rating: 4.6(out of 5)
Number of pages: 374

Jacqueline Pirtle is an energy healer, mindfulness and happiness coach who’s been giving private talks and workshop since 2006. She is a certified international Reiki master and holds an international wellness degree.

The book 365 Days Of Happiness is developed as she devoted the entire 2017 to be happy. She is determined to live through each day of the year, basking in simple joys that are often taken for granted by most of us.

Instead of lengthy chapters, the book is organized into ‘days’, and 365 in total. Each ‘days’ consists of her thoughts and the effort she has taken to embrace happiness. The key word in the book is to ‘BE’ happy. This implies that true happiness is within reach for any of us, and is not derived from material satisfaction.

The book is simple to read, with the right balance of short paragraphs and bulleted points. Instead of reading multiple chapters at one go, I’ll suggest taking each chapter one day at a time. To truly rediscover your happiness, it’s worth to pause, digest and act on the message that is conveyed at each ‘day’ of the book.

The Journey Of 365 Days Of Happiness

If you’ve often associate happiness with the satisfaction of worldly materials, the concept of being happy as suggested in the book may feel alien to you. But when you realize superficial joy is hollow and unfulfilling, you’ll start paying attention to what Jacqueline is trying to convey in her book.

As you follow her daily journey of happiness, you’ll notice that she focuses on these elements

Interconnecting Energies

Jacqueline often stated that we are all beings of energy and that we are all interconnected. As such, happiness can be contagious as the energy that links us vibrates positively. Therefore, it’s important for each of us to radiate a high level of energy.

I would have been skeptical of her statement if I have not personally benefited from energy healing myself. Indeed, by visualizing yourself experiencing joy, you can lift your energy to meet the visual that you have. And that increases your energy vibration and ultimately causes you to feel good.

Acceptance And Gratitude

You would have realized by now that life is seldom perfect. Plans often go astray and life has a knack of bringing you to your knees unexpectedly. Often, not getting what we want leads to frustration and life obstacles can be miserable chapters.

Jacqueline invites us to redefine our perception by practicing acceptance and gratitude to the simple things in life. The simple act of respect, gratitude, and acceptance allows you to let go of unnecessary emotional baggage and embrace joy itself.


Like it or not, we are responsible for our own happiness. Happiness is a close sibling of love and if you stop loving yourself, chances are, you wouldn’t be happy in life. For a change, start putting yourself first before others, and loving yourself has nothing to do with being selfish.

Get plenty of rest if you’re lacking or spend some time in solitude if needed. These are some of the brilliant suggestion by Jacqueline that will gradually bring you to the door of happiness.


It has always been our instinct to smile when we’re feeling great. But most of us didn’t realize that smiling can lead to happiness itself. Jacqueline rightfully suggested that we should start smiling and receiving smiles in return to experience happiness.

There is much truth to this scientifically. In one of my previous articles, I quoted a psychologist on how smiles can trigger the production of feel-good hormones that makes you generally happier.

Who Should Read The 365 Days Of Happiness?

Jacqueline presented her experience in an organized manner. It doesn’t take more than 5 minutes to read and digest a single ‘day’ in her book. The book is suitable for readers of all age range but particularly helpful for those who are going through a rough patch in life.

There are times when even the brightest people suffer from grief, regret or depression. In such a state of mind, it may feel that it’s impossible to feel joy and light again. The book offers a realistic way to create happiness, by clearly highlighting the little things that matter in life.

If you’ve been feeling pretty helpless in life, or your loved one is going through a rough patch, this book will give them a lift in a light-hearted manner. Each ‘day’ in the book contains suggestions that could be liberating if you keep your mind open and actually try them out.

I personally like ‘Day 25’ that reminds me of how important it is for us to be open and accepting for miracles to happen. And yes, happiness is a miracle itself.


The 365 Days Of Happiness is more than teaching you how to be happy, but actually brings you along the journey with the author herself. It is motivating and contains simple practical answers to our pursuit of happiness.

Definitely a great book to pick up some practical skills to be a happier self.

Read the preview of the book on Amazon.
