Are You Living The Life You Choose

Are You Living The Life You Choose

Or are you living based on someone’s expectation of what your life should be? The majority of us would happily live a life that has been paved out by our parents and society without questioning much of it. We are often afraid to disappoint the expectation of our parents and dare not stray too far from the stereotypical definition by the society of what our life should be.

Although those who shaped our lives often do so with good intention, our life when not built on our OWN foundation of belief and purpose will crumble eventually. It is only a matter of time before some events shatter the pillars and unearthed the very foundation of the path we have traveled so far.

An honest question to your heart.

When we are brought down to our knees by failure in life or have lost someone we loved, the world as we know it often shatters, leaving us disoriented and full of doubts. Business failure, bankruptcy, divorce, death, critical illness, these often brought quite similar emotion that forced us to take an honest look back at the meaning of our existence.

The collapse of our emotional shield, the fall of our ego, this moment of weakness can be turned into a transformation if we dare to ask the question that we so dread to answer. Do NOT ask “If I could start again…” for it is impractical and does not lead to any betterment in us.

The right question will be “Is my current life capable of bringing fulfillment to my spiritual self?” Your heart will immediately give you the purest form of an answer. Listen and heed your heart.

It doesn’t matter what religion do you believe or if you do not have one. Spiritual fulfillment is a very special joyful feeling that transcends your religious belief. For me, this feeling came when I am able to give help to those in need with a pure heart.

Your purpose

When the life we have been living is in fact merely existing, we are then lost and misguided. It is imperative that we take a quiet trip down our heart to ponder on our life purpose or the lack of it. For when we are living without purpose, our vision and the action that followed, are often based on the influence of the society or as a continuance from our upbringing.

If your heart told you that your life has thus far has been built and guided by the hand of others, then be courageous and take this moment to affirm that you shall be the owner of your life this moment on. Seek your purpose in life that fulfills you spiritually, as they are both mutually connected. When you have found that very purpose, your vision, your goal, and your new path will naturally reveal itself.

A life, truly yours

Are You Living The Life You Choose

Are You Living The Life You Choose

As you have sorted out what drives you ahead, you will then have the courage to make a transition from what has been to what will be. Be grateful though to those who have shaped you to where you are today, but be firm with your new found purpose and take charge of the direction of your life.

It is never easy, to stop in life and question the very foundation of your life that is built on. It is even tougher to listen to your heart and to admit if you have been living under the shadow of others expectation. And it takes enormous courage and determination, to rediscover your purpose and to rebuild your life from there.

Are you living a life of your own choosing? Or are you merely following the motion?