Most people rarely find mindfulness an interesting subject when life is all good and rosy to them. But once you’ve got your life turned upside down, you start seeking for answers. Even if you found the root cause of your fall and the road to rebuilding, you’ll find that a moment of mindfulness in your life will help you stay on your course.
When it comes to mindfulness, there’s really no words that could relate the experience unless you’re practicing it in your own life. You can read as many books on mindfulness as you wished, meditate or join mindfulness community but if you don’t attempt to bring mindfulness into your daily life, it’s not going to change anything.
That said, I’m compiling here a list of top mindfulness blogs where you can find stories and guides of people practicing mindfulness in their life. I’m listing them in no particular order. Huge publication media and personal blogs deserved the same attention because when you’re being mindful, you realize that the essence is what’s important.
21 Top Modern Mindfulness Blogs
No. These are not blogs that solely asked you to focus your mind in the here and now. Because mindfulness is definitely more than that.
These blogs bring practical daily mindfulness to you.
1. The Blissful Mind
Owned by Catherine, an intentional living blogger, and a future holistic health coach, The Blissful Mind upholds the concept of contentment. Catherine believes that you can make life less complicated when you’re being contented with what you have.
This particular blog post from The Blissful Mind highlights interesting methods of staying happy regardless of where you are in life.
7 Ways To Feel Content With Your Life Right Now
If you’re still living on someone else’s value and wondering why you’re having problems feeling happy, then you ought to give it a read.
2. Embracing Simple blog
Started by a mom who has a soft spot for everything sweet (cupcakes, ice cream, chocolate, etc), Christina shares messages and tips of encouragement for people who are looking to find fulfillment through living a simple and uncluttered life.
If waking up in the morning has always been a drag for you, do read this post at Embracing Simple.
11 Ways To Make Your Morning Less Stressful.
(Hint: Don’t hit the snooze button).
3. Personal Excellence
Celes, a highly successful young lady who quit her high paying job in 2008, before starting Personal Excellence from scratch. To date, she has coached tens of thousands of people in various aspect of their life, mainly on personal development and entrepreneurship.
With over more than 700 articles in her blog, you’ll be spoiled for choice. Here’s one that is truly unique.
Give it a good read if you find your life is messed up and trapped in social medias that you missed out what is real and important in life.
4. Zen habits
There are no better blogs to learn mindfulness than from blog owners who have gone through transformation by bringing elements of mindfulness in their life. Leo Babauta definitely has gone through that transformation and I just have to share the wonderful message above I found on Zen Habits.
If there’s anything that you can take away from Zen Habits right now, I’ll say it is the amazing tips on
A Mindful Guide To Email In 20 Minutes A Day.
It has all the absolutely right tips in freeing your mind from your favorite go-to distraction.
5. Simple mindfulness
Paige Burkes created this blog to share her message of bringing simplicity to embrace mindfulness and be kinder to yourself. Her spot-on message on happiness comes from within resulted from her own 15 years experience of discovering how futile has our chase for happiness been.
Here’s one post from Simple Mindfulness that really struck me as I am one of those who had a people-please syndrome.
How To Get Out Of A Funk And Add More Happiness To Your Day
In short, if you feel no problem in doing a fine job for others but have difficulty on doing what’s right for you, then you need to read the article.
6. Best Kept Self
Successful image consultant Shauna has started BestKeptSelf as a blog to keep entrepreneur from burning out, or rather as a platform for wary entrepreneurs to recharge in their journey to create long-lasting change to the community.
How To Grow Your Business Without Burning Out
If you’re an entrepreneur, you know you need to put in long hours at the starting phase. By long hours we’re probably talking about 16 hours per day for as long as it needs. Some simple tips would be helpful to prevent that all familiar burnout around the corner.
7. Tiny Buddha
Lori Deschene started Tiny Buddha in 2009. It has now become a huge community for sharing of stories and experience in multiple aspects of life including mindfulness, happiness, and love.
If you have been struggling and surrender to living with stress and anxiety, you need to read this post.
The Healing Power of Self-Care in a World of Chronic Stress and Anxiety
No. Loving yourself is not being selfish. After all, how can you give when you yourself are empty?
8. Mind Body Green
MindBodyGreen is one of the top lifestyle media that covers basically every single aspect of your life with its inspiring and helpful contents. You’ll get useful tips and guides from various contributors on topics like mindfulness, fitness and your eating habit.
Talking about eating habit, this post from MindBodyGreen is one of the most comprehensive mindful eating guides I’ve ever read.
This One Change Will Help You Lose Weight
It’s a useful article if you’re struggling to keep a healthy waistline or your general doctor has been less than satisfactory with your health report lately.
9. Everyday Mindfulness

This is an initiative launched by Gareth to inspire others to take up mindfulness practice. Behind this simple website is a growing community of mindfulness practitioner who actively participates in their forum.
Everyday Mindfulness mostly contains personal stories of other members that you could find helpful in your daily life. Here’s one that really pertains to me as a parent.
Using Mindfulness to Calm Toddler Tantrums
You may want to pick a few mindfulness parenting tips too from this article especially when you are easily dragged into negative emotions while tending to your child.
10. The Mindfulness Project
The Mindfulness Project is a non-profit company started by Alexa and Autumn. Based in London, the mindfulness project provides a hub for learning meditation and mindfulness from some of the best mindfulness teachers.
You’ll find this post to be very helpful when you seem to lose control of life.
Three Mindfulness Tips for When Life Gets Hectic
If you are blessed with a good memory, you probably planned all your stuff in your head. It could backfire in the form of restlessness and sleepless nights. Do write it down.
11. Mrs Mindfulness
Melli O’Brien is a mindfulness teacher and also a devoted mindfulness practitioner herself. Her blog Mrs. Mindfulness contains simple tips for mindful living that help you to stay connected to life in this hectic age.
I find point 11 of this post interesting.
11 Ways to Bring More Mindfulness Into Your Life Today
Do you find yourself automatically checking up email or checking your Facebook feed every 5 minutes? You may want to know how mindfulness could help overcoming ‘urge surfing’, as Melli puts it.
12. Mindful
Mindful is a social driven non-profit organization that brings benefits of mindfulness to a vast range of practitioners through personal stories, guides, and other related resources.
If you’re wondering whether practicing mindfulness would result in a better leadership, this article answers it in depth.
How to Bring Mindfulness to Your Company’s Leadership
Ultimately, it is about being consistent in your practice of mindfulness.
13. Modern Day Mindful
Kerri Cummings, a Kundalini Yoga teacher and a mom of three, started The Modernday Mindful to inspire busy people who longed to find a connection with a spiritually fulfilled life.
Her blog narrates her own daily life and handling emotions mindfully that we can easily relate to our own.
My terrible, no good, kind of actually good parenting experience.
If you are a parent with a highly anxious child, you’ll find this article a good read.
14. Calm
Calm was created by Michael Acton Smith and Alex Tew, both who have realized the importance of mindfulness and meditation amidst the chaos of chasing dreams and success.
If commuting to work has always left you more stress when you reached your workplace, here’s one simple article for you.
Try These Tips For A Stress-Free Daily Commute To Work
You’ll find it helpful to reduce negative stressful emotions the next time you’re stuck in traffic.
15. Pocket Mindfulness
Alfred James, a qualified life coach and the author of Pocket Mindfulness, a spirituality bestseller on Kindle, runs this blog that offers amazing resources to help people live mindfully.
If by any chance you’re in a bad mood and desperately seeking some tips of how to shake it off, read this
10 Easy Ways to Snap Out of a Bad Mood & Find Instant Mental Peace
And if you’re having a handful of gadgets demanding your attention every single minute, do cut it off for a while. I tried, and it does wonders.
16. A Lust For Life
A Lust For Life is a social enterprise that aims to deliver sustainable transformation to the society in mental health and well-being. The site offers a vast collection of articles on mental and physical health.
Here’s a favorite if you have been suffering from lack of mental strength.
How your health hinges on your mind-over-matter resilience
I do agree with the paragraph at the end where sometimes, slowing down might really be the answer to this hectic, fast-paced life we are in.
17. Mindfulness At Work
Joanne O’Malley, the owner of Mindfulness At Work and also a mindfulness teacher, puts 17 years of meditation practice into quality mindfulness training program aimed to help companies to further develop their team’s mind capability.
If you’ve always prided yourself as a great multitasker, you should read this
Eliminate Multi-tasking and Develop Mind Fitness
Trust me, I get more things done when I focus on one single task at a time. Multitasking could sometimes be a blur of non-productive noise.
18. Lynn Rossy
A health psychologist who discovered mindfulness and made it a huge part of her career, Lynn Rossy is known for her Eat for Life class and has published a highly acclaimed book, The Mindfulness-Based Eating Solution.
Here’s what you should read if you’re having a tough time silencing the negative self-talk that’s going on in your head.
Are Your Thoughts Running (And Ruining) Your Life?
Learning to identify the often blurred boundary of thoughts and reality is a useful skill especially in when you’re in a hard time.
19. DoYouYoga
DOYOUYOGA is a huge global online community offering a vibrant place of learning and inspiration to those who are seeking to improve their health, happiness, fitness and yoga.
Apart from practicing yoga online, you’ll also get abundant of articles related to your well-being. Here’s one that you should read.
Not Just a Trend—Mindful Eating Has REAL Benefits
If you’re munching away while reading this, I’ll suggest you finish your food mindfully before continuing your reading.
A personal blog of Duccio Manfredi, a Life Coach, Reiki Master and a passionate blogger who’s all about spreading happiness.
If you’re looking for more reasons to be happy, here’s a good read on HowToBeHappy.Guru
Can Happiness Boost Your Immune System?
Don’t wait for the perfect moment to be happy. Be happy now.
21. Holstee
What started as a T-shirt side project, Holstee has evolved into providing art while staying true to their mission of helping the society to find meaning amidst the constant distraction surrounding us.
While there is no shortage of uplifting articles on their blog, I would like to bring you to their inspiring manifesto that has gained over 100 million views and has been translated into 13 different languages.
Do You Find This Collection Of Mindfulness Blog Useful?
Well, it’s one thing spending an hour going through the articles from these awesome mindfulness blogs, but if you really want to transform your life with mindfulness practice, you have to do more than reading.
For a start, you could make mindfulness meditation practice a routine in your life. It’s free, just download my mindfulness meditation guide to get started.
Of course, being mindful is a personal choice. But if you want to take it further by connecting with like-minded people, and learn from some of the best mindfulness teachers, read this post.
Ultimately, if you feel this compilation has helped you, do share it out and leave me a comment on how you’re going to bring mindfulness into your life.
Related :
A Year Of Mindfulness
5 Unconventional Mindful Parenting Techniques for Single Moms
Why Mindfulness Practice Is Simple But Not Easy In Daily Life
Best Ways To Meditate When You Are Tired and Stressed
What Do You Think When You Meditate And Why It Matters
There are some interesting blogs you recommend. I’m looking for something different for myself. Something that can help with self-motivation. Some days I wake up and have a ton and other days I have 0. Do you recommend any of these blogs to help with motivation?
Hi Kurtis,
When it comes to motivation, Personal Excellence is one blog I highly recommend.
What a great resource, Kenny! I’ll be looking at some of those blogs for certain, just as I value yours, very much.
Mindfulness is a word and practice that, I hope, becomes MUCH more common and much earlier in life. In ways, it’s staggering to think that we’ve come as far as we have as a species without really prioritizing our self awareness.
Keep up the great work!
Hi Kevin,
Perhaps mindfulness sounds so mundane that people neglect taking up the practice early on in life. But it’s one of the greatest skill to have when we’re in tough times.
Thanks for reading.
Thank you for this comprehensive list of mindfulness blogs.
I have read a few of Leo Barbuta’s articles at zen habits but have not heard of most of these.
I’m going to check out your recommended post from Everyday Mindfulness about calming toddler tantrums. My son just turned 4 and he likes to get his way!
Hi Jeremy,
I’m also still learning and bringing mindfulness to parenting. It’s a challenging duty.
Hi Kenny,
Thanks for providing this list. You are absolutely bang on when you say when life is rosy people don’t care about mindfulness.
The thing is, we should all be taking a little time each day to work on ourself, that includes meditation and mindfulness.
Keep up the great work. Really enjoyed this.
Thanks, Peter
Hi Peter,
I’m glad you find the list helpful.
Thanks for reading.
We really take mindfulness for granted today. As a student-homeopath that works with a variety of clients, I can definitely attest that people tend to put that at the end of their list of things that are important.
These blogs you mentioned seem very useful and practical, and can help people see the importance of mindfulness and having healthy mentals and emotionals, which are really the cores of general health and wellness.
Great post!
Hi Ariel,
Mindfulness is something we often neglected, but ironically a skill we needed the most at time of adversity to navigate out of choppy waters.
Hi Kenny,
Great post! There are some great blogs here. I am definitely one that could benefit from these. I will have to share this with others as I think everyone could benefit from slowing down and being content with what you have despite the obstacles that present themselves.
Best, Alison
Hi Alison,
Thanks for loving and sharing my post.
Hi Kenny,
Great assortment of blogs you recommend here. I like the quote on Breath you added from Zen Habits and will definitely check that blog out. As a yoga and spiritual practitioner, I find mindfulness a key aspect of living a happy and balanced life. It’s definitely a discipline like with all other aspects of my practice, but once you do take it on, it becomes a little easier each time.
Hi Lidia,
Like any worthwhile skills, mindfulness is something that you put into constant practice. I agree with you on that.
Wow! What a great list of blogs to explore! This list would keep me busy for weeks! I have often thought that I want to start my own mindfulness blog, but when I see all the other blogs in the space I get stuck on that question of ‘how can I be different to all these blogs?’ However perhaps that is just perfectionism getting in the way. Thanks for all the great references. I will check them out!
Hi Liz,
Hope these mindfulness blogs would inspire you. Thanks for checking it out.